Development of Organic Waste Bioconversion Agent on Maratua Island, East Kalimantan

BANDUNG, early October 2021, the SITH ITB Community Service Team with the theme "Development of Black Tantara Flies: Organic Waste Bioconversion Agent" has been carrying out activities in Payung-Payung Village, Maratua Island, Berau, East Kalimantan (Picture 1). Several years ago Maratua Island became the object of tourism development.

Gambar 1 Pulau Maratua sebagai destinasi wisata baru, telah terdapat berbagai resort dan hotel (

Picture 1 Maratua Island as a new tourist destination, there are already various resorts and hotels (

Maratua is the outermost island in East Kalimantan, a new marine tourism destination, with beaches, seas, mangroves and mangroves. Various types of fish, turtles, jellyfish, to very interesting coral reefs are the attractions of Maratua. By improving lodging facilities as well as restaurants and local and foreign tourists, the waste problem will become a problem. Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate the waste problem and find a solution for it.

Black Army Fly (LTH) larvae, Hermetia illucens (Figure 2) have long been known and developed at SITH ITB to process organic waste, late instar larvae and LTH pupae can be used as fodder for poultry, fish and liquid waste from the organic waste processing process by LTB. can be used as organic fertilizer for plants..

Picture 2 Construction of LTH Cages for breeding, rearing larvae and pupae (middle) and adults (right).

Dr. Agus Dana Permana as the person in charge of this Community Service activity was assisted by Dr. Aos, Rizki Arifani S.T., Abdul Halim S.T., Yoko Purwanti. In addition, they were assisted by Regita Ardhya Dirgantini and Danur Wenda as students of the Agricultural Engineering Study Program who carried out MBKM activities. The team in collaboration with the Payung-Payung Village office, Maratua has conducted training on LTH maintenance with around 25 participants, including the village head, the general public and several members of the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) (Figure 3). Scientific information and the benefits of LTH were provided by Rizki Arifani S.T., and the team also practiced LTH cultivation. The implementation of direct practice by the community will continue in the LTH enclosure until November 13, 2021. People who continue to cultivate LTH, until this report is made, continue to communicate frequently with the team.

Picture 3 LTH Cultivation Training for Payung-Payung residents, Maratua, East Kalimantan

Editor: Ali Hasan Asyari


