Empowering Pangkep’s MSMEs Through ITB’s Design and Packaging Training

In early August 2024, the Faculty of Art and Design at Institut Teknologi Bandung (FSRD ITB) organized a training program aimed at enhancing the packaging and visual identity of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Pangkajene and Kepulauan (Pangkep), South Sulawesi. Pangkep, a region located 50 km north of Makassar, consists of over 115 islands and is known for its rich maritime culture and natural beauty. The area’s MSMEs primarily offer seafood products like fish and shrimp, leveraging the region’s abundant marine resources.

However, despite their potential, these MSMEs face significant challenges, particularly in terms of innovation and packaging design. To address this, the ITB team, led by Dr. Acep Iwan Saidi and supported by RR. Sri Wachyuni, Zamzami Almakki, Bima Nurin, Shinta Yuniarti, Dr. Tri Sulistyaningtyas, and Dr. Dana Waskita, provided comprehensive training on product packaging and visual identity from August 5th to 7th, 2024.

The training, fully funded by ITB’s Community Service Program, was conducted in collaboration with the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) of Pangkajene and Kepulauan. Dr. Jaenal Sanusi, the Head of the Pangkep Tourism, Youth, and Sports Office, expressed his gratitude and pride in welcoming ITB. "We are thankful that ITB, among many institutions in Indonesia, chose to come here, crossing seas to share knowledge. This is truly a blessing that we must appreciate," Dr. Sanusi remarked during the event's opening.

The training kicked off with sessions led by RR. Sri Wachyuni and Shinta Yuniarti, focusing on preparing MSMEs for the training. Their presentations were based on surveys showing that 88% of participating MSMEs were eager to innovate their products. One of the participants, Rabiah, expressed, "We want to innovate, especially in packaging, but we lack information on how to make our products more attractively packaged."

Following this, Bima Nurin delivered a session on visual identity for MSME products, highlighting three key elements. "First, an identity differentiates one product from another. Second, it creates an impression on the consumer. Finally, a visual identity must convey a message about the product," Bima explained, emphasizing that the imagery on the packaging plays a crucial role in consumer appeal.

Zamzami Almakki further elaborated on the importance of strong and appealing packaging, especially for food products. "A product without packaging can be challenging for consumers, especially when they want to recommend it to others. Good packaging and information add value to the product and its seller," Zamzami noted.

The training, attended by 30 MSME representatives, also included a product packaging consultation session, where participants received personalized advice from Bima Nurin and Zamzami Almakki. The event aimed to enhance the visual awareness and packaging strategies of Pangkep’s MSMEs, ultimately boosting their market competitiveness.


Rekated News:

1. tekno.tempo.co: Dosen FSRD ITB Ungkap Pentingnya Identitas Visual Bagi UMKM dalam Menjual Produk

2. kompasiana.com: Puluhan UMKM di Pangkep Hadiri Pelatihan Desain oleh Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB

3. jurnalpost.com: Tim Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Adakan Pelatihan Desain Kemasan untuk UMKM di Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

4. jakartasatu.com: Tim Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Gelar Pelatihan Desain Kemasan untuk UMKM di Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

5. kbanews.com: Tim Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Adakan Pelatihan Desain Kemasan untuk UMKM di Pangkep Sulawesi Selatan

6. bandungraya.inews.id: Tim Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Adakan Pelatihan Desain Kemasan untuk UMKM di Pangkep

7. detak.co: Tim Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Adakan Pelatihan Desain Kemasan untuk UMKM di Pangkep Sulawesi Selatan

8. pribuminews.co.id: Tim Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Adakan Pelatihan Desain Kemasan untuk UMKM di Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

9. csr-indonesia.com: Tim Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Adakan Pelatihan Desain Kemasan untuk UMKM di Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

10. seni.co.id: Pelatihan Desain Kemasan UMKM Oleh Tim Dosen Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB di Pangkep

11. jernih.co: Tim FSRD ITB Gelar Pelatihan Desain Kemasan untuk UMKM Sulawesi Selatan

12. shootlinenews.id: Dosen ITB Berikan Pelatihan Identitas Visual untuk UMKM di Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

13. arsipliputan.com Pelatihan Desain Identitas Visual, Solusi Praktis untuk UMKM di Pangkep

14. liputanberita7.com: Pentingnya Identitas Visual Bagi UMKM dalam Menjual Produk

15. bandungbergerak.id: Pelatihan UMKM oleh Tim ITB di Pangkep, Pentingnya Identitas Visual dalam Kemasan untuk Penjualan Produk

16. repliknews.com: Disambut Antusias Pelaku UMKM, Dosen ITB Berikan Pelatihan Identitas Visual di Pangkep

17. mahasiswa.co.id: Dosen ITB Berikan Pelatihan Identitas Visual untuk UMKM di Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan


