Empowering Women Through Digital Health Literacy: ITB’s Community Service in NTB

The School of Pharmacy at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) organized a community service program in Mataram on Thursday (29/8), funded by ITB's LPPM. The event was conducted in collaboration with the Class II SFR Mataram Monitoring Center (Balmon) under the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

The community service program consisted of two main activities. On the first day, participants were provided with knowledge and skills through lectures and workshops. The second day was marked by a visit to remote and underdeveloped areas.

Dr. apt. Ilma Nugrahani, a lecturer at ITB’s School of Pharmacy, explained that the goal of this community service was to empower the community through digital literacy, especially regarding health. "We are targeting women in Lombok because they are the front line of the family, particularly in terms of medication use and health maintenance," she stated.

She added that in this digital era, information is widely available without boundaries, but unfortunately, a lot of hoaxes, especially related to health, are also circulating. As digitalization progresses, telemedicine has rapidly developed across various platforms, providing services such as consultations with doctors, purchasing medications, and registering for hospital care online. However, Ilma emphasized the importance of caution in using these technologies, as medicines are hazardous commodities that require strict supervision.

Ilma also highlighted that research shows many households still store expired drugs, potent medicines, including antibiotics, which can be dangerous if used without a doctor’s supervision. This is what prompted the ITB School of Pharmacy to conduct this community service program, involving PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment), Dharmawanita, and posyandu (integrated health service posts) groups. The aim is for participants to have sufficient knowledge in using information and communication technologies, specifically related to medication, and health knowledge in general.

One of the proper medication management methods taught was the DAGUSIBU program (Obtain, Use, Store, Dispose). "The goal of this community service is to empower the community through digital health literacy in NTB as a form of social responsibility towards women, especially mothers who play a crucial role in family education and community development," she explained.

Ilma hopes this program will contribute significantly to increasing the knowledge of women in NTB. One way to improve health quality is by utilizing health information technology available on various digital platforms. She mentioned that most women in NTB are already familiar with technology for seeking health information, but telemedicine is still not widely used.

"That's why this program is ideal for supporting women in enhancing their telemedicine skills," she added. Digital platforms are a convenient and accessible medium for obtaining health information, but it’s important for the community to have the ability to discern accurate information from misinformation or hoaxes. "We aim to provide guidance and training to help them differentiate between unreliable sources and valid news," Ilma concluded.

On the second day, Friday (30/8), the program continued with a visit to Sambik Bangkol Village in North Lombok Regency. The event was attended by around 75 participants and welcomed by the village head. The attendees included village officials, PKK members, the local community, and KKN (Student Community Service) students from Bagu University and STKIP Hamzanwadi. The event was opened by the North Lombok PKK secretary, followed by remarks from Sambik Bangkol Village Head Suhardi and a report by the team leader Ilma Nugrahani. The event continued with a presentation by Dr. Pratiwi on tuberculosis, stunting, and the DAGUSIBU program.


Related News:

1. TVRI NTB Live StreamingSIARAN LANGSUNG NTB HARI INI & HABA MBOJO | 30 AGUSTUS 2024 (Laporan Kegiatan Hari I. 
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2. lombokpost.jawapos.com: Sekolah Farmasi ITB Gelar Pengabdian Masyarakat di NTB

