ITB and LK 21 Training Improves the Quality of Trigona Bee Honey in Lampung

The Research Team from the Center for Mathematical Modeling and Simulation (P2MS) ITB, in collaboration with the Conservation Institute (LK) 21 Lampung, conducted a training session to enhance the post-harvest processing quality of trigona bee honey at Batiqa Hotel, Pahoman, Bandar Lampung City, on Tuesday (25/6/2024). This training aims to assist trigona beekeepers, represented by forest farmer groups, in maintaining the quality of their products up to the packaging stage.

"The training on using the Tracebee Purifier helps beekeepers maintain the quality of their produce," said Dr. Saladin Uttunggadewa from ITB at the event, which was led by Edy Karizal, director of LK 21.

The P2MS ITB team also donated several Tracebee Purifier devices, including dehumidifiers and sterilizers, to reduce water content and eliminate bacteria in the honey, thereby improving the quality and market value of the honey both locally and internationally. "With this device, the honey produced is expected to meet national standards, increase its market value, and enhance competitiveness in the global market," added Dr. Saladin Uttunggadewa.

The training was attended by forest beekeepers from various districts in Lampung, including West Coastal District, as well as representatives from the Sumatra Institute of Technology (ITERA) Lampung, Forest Farmer Groups (KTH) Laskar Wana Trigona, KTH Teuweul Lestari, KTH Wana Karya Trigona, KTH Flamboyan Sejahtera, and KTH Omah Tawon Mataram.

This training featured speakers including Dr. Saladin Uttunggadewa from P2MS ITB, Ir. Edwin Hadiana from the Trigona Beekeepers Community of Parahiangan, and PT. Asta Berkarya Farm.

The main benefits of the Tracebee Purifier are explained as follows:

  1. Honey Quality Improvement: The dehumidifier reduces the water content in honey, while the sterilizer kills bacteria and other contaminants, ensuring the honey meets SNI standard number 8664 of 2018 regarding honey.
  2. Increased Market Value: With maintained quality, the honey has a higher market value both locally and internationally.
  3. Portability and Efficiency: The Tracebee Purifier is designed to be easily moved and allows shared use among members of the Forest Farmer Groups (KTH), making it efficient and affordable for small-scale beekeepers.
  4. Sustainability: This device is expected to improve beekeepers' welfare by enhancing the quality and market value of honey, which also increases the competitiveness of Indonesian honey in the global market.

The price of the Tracebee Purifier, originally around Rp25 million, has been reduced to below Rp1 million by ITB researchers and can still be further reduced, allowing it to be replicated by honey beekeepers. "With the Tracebee Purifier, water content is reduced, and sterilization is guaranteed," said Edy Karizal from LK 21, explaining that many honey farmers struggle to penetrate international markets due to substandard honey quality.

The Tracebee Purifier works by sucking and filtering honey, then processing it with a dehumidifier and sterilizer. After the suction is complete, the device processes the honey with the dehumidifier and sterilizer, then the honey is stirred and heated to 45 degrees Celsius to reduce water vapor using a vacuum pump.

With this training and the donation of these devices, it is hoped that the production of trigona bee honey in Lampung will meet national and international standards, increase its market value, and positively impact the welfare of beekeepers and the competitiveness of Indonesian honey in the global market.


Related News: ITB dan LK 21 Latih Kelompok Tani Hutan Tingkatkan Kualitas Madu ITB Hibahkan 4 Alat buat Peningkatan Kualitas Madu Lampung

