Painting exhibitions and auctions for Covid-19 victims' solidarity by Tisna Sanjaya Artists

exhibitions and auctions of paintings for Covid-19 victims' solidarity by artists Tisna Sanjaya

tags: i tb4people , Community Services , pengabdian community , sdgs11

& nbsp; & quot; independence & quot;

in Ms. Cigondewah. & nbsp;
17 August elementary school. October 17, 2021.

* Mrs. Cigondewah. & Nbsp;
* Babakan siliwangi art studio in Bandung. & Nbsp;
* Research and Community Service Institute & Nbsp; ITB. & Nbsp;

Alhamdulillah ... & nbsp;
We have been independent for 76 years.
It should be grateful for independence fighters & nbsp; has released the Indonesian nation from the invaders for more than 350 years.

Gratitude for the independence we realize with creativity to continue to fill this freedom with useful knowledge.

Our scientific field is cultural arts.

How we as an artist in filling out, continuing, continuing the struggle of the enforcers, independence liberation from the colonialists of the beloved Indonesian nation.

Therefore let us mutual cooperation through creative processes & nbsp; creation of artwork, grow our common awareness to maintain, take care of the environment so clean, healthy, comfortable and safe.

Values ​​& nbsp; Sacred independence, currently being tested by the situation and condition of Covid-19 pandemic which is very worrying, many victims falling, sick and fall by the deadly disease virus.

Let us participate, Solidarity for Covid-19 disaster victims with the way creativity, innovation in art works. & nbsp;

The work we created, besides we exhibit as a form of appreciation of art and gratitude for independence, also the paintings will be auctioned and the proceeds of sales will be donated to victims affected by Covid-19.

We will continue to strive to create artwork that can provide inspiration for changes in attitudes and consciousness in the environment that has been contaminated by cultural pandemic waste, for example in the village of Rengat Cigondewah which is the location of the exhibition and inspiration of art works. & nbsp;

for example the Cigondewah River, a life source of life flowing into the Citarum River, has been polluted by waste industrial waste factories and residents who throw away & nbsp; the garbage that is toxic to our beloved river.

Also Karuhun's land belonging to residents who have been eroded, are left into plastic waste factories, fabrics, industrial waste goods etc.

Ownership of citizens in the form of cultural organic farming, is now a warehouse for industrial waste. & nbsp;
Dilemmatic situation and conditions, on one side of citizens need to support the economy for daily life with selling ownership rights and cultural heritage of its land containing rice barns, sold out of capital, capital owners are used as plastic warehouses, DST factories. & nbsp;

Along with the process of change, also being eroded by the values ​​and forms of cultural arts of the tradition of slakidity, the uniqueness of the residents, changing into fragmatic and egoistic behavior that has an impact on the daily environment. & nbsp;

Inillah changes in the era, from the colonial era of the Dutch and Japan and after freedom we are careless. & nbsp;

Lands, unique cultural arts space like in the village of Cultural Organic Cigondewah Rengat Batu which is excluded and colonized turns into a synthetic village, all-round plastic waste. & nbsp;
We can't keep quiet, just watching independent nature which is torn out by our own ulcers. & Nbsp;
There must be an effort, sharing methods, forms, formats and alternatives to find solutions via creativity from culturalist artists for immagination, experimenting, collaborating with various fields of science, with residents around together working with joy, so that our artwork inspires the environment life increases, healthy and safe. & nbsp;

Creativity education from cultural artists together with citizens, especially focusing on children around Rengat Batu Village so that we often with the science of creativity, mentality, survive attitude, creative skills in filling in the age of independence, so they will not reject themselves by other colonialism forms in the era of this very fast change process.

Destination and DO & # 39; A of our art work creativity is that the realization of cultural values ​​economically, politically sovereign and personality in culture. & nbsp;

Let's work arts & nbsp; who can grow power, for environmental awareness so that our daily lives and the future of our nation will get better, safe and comfortable.

BISMILLAH .. & nbsp;


Tisna Sanjaya
Mrs. Cigondewah 2021.

Exhibition and auction painting.

Solidarity for Covid-19 victims.

In the framework of the 76th Republic of Indonesia.

The exhibition takes place:
17 August elementary school. October 17, 2021.
At 10.00 to 15.00 WIB.

In the Gallery of Ms. Cigondewah and Plastic Lumbung Gallery of Rengat Batu Village, Cigondewah Kaler, Bandung.
Jl. Rengat Stone RW 01, RT 02.

Exhibition online and direct.

For those who will see the exhibition directly through the agreement and prokes.
Tel. O8156242100 (Tisna Sanjaya).

Tel. 0831 0057 7586
(Susentono Seno).

Ms. Cigondewah - Babakan Siliwangi Art Sanggar - Research Institute and Community Service ITB.

