Improving Elderly Lives: Family Caregiver Support through ITB's Community Program

On August 24, 2024, the School of Pharmacy at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) conducted a community service event at the Jumpandang Baru Health Center, Makassar, South Sulawesi. The event, titled "Efforts to Improve the Quality of Life of Elderly Patients through Family Caregiver Support," aimed to enhance the quality of life of elderly patients by providing support and education to family caregivers. The event was attended by 45 participants who are family caregivers.

The chairperson of the event, Dr. apt. Pratiwi Wikaningtyas, in her opening remarks, highlighted the increasing elderly population in Indonesia, particularly in Makassar, one of six cities in Indonesia with a high number of elderly residents. "Currently, the aging population in Indonesia continues to grow, and the role of caregivers is crucial in ensuring that the elderly do not feel alone," Pratiwi stated.

The event featured four speakers who provided valuable insights and practical guidance to the caregivers. The first speaker, Dr. Saldy Meirisandy, SpPD FINASIM, presented a topic titled "Introduction to Geriatrics and Geriatric Syndromes." In his presentation, he explained that caregivers need to understand various geriatric syndromes commonly experienced by the elderly. There are 14 syndromes known as the 14I and 1F that require attention, including Immobility, Instability, Impotence, Infection, and Frailty. "Understanding these syndromes is essential for caregivers to provide more empathetic and effective care for the elderly," emphasized Dr. Saldy.

The second presentation was delivered by Prof. apt. I Ketut Adnyana, M.Si., Ph.D., with the theme "Harmony for Healthy Living." Prof. Ketut stressed the importance of maintaining a balance between mental, physical, and spiritual health in caring for the elderly. He explained that harmonizing these three aspects is key to maintaining the quality of life for the elderly. Additionally, he discussed practical strategies such as maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise routines like yoga to reduce stress, and daily relaxation techniques. "Holistic care like this is expected to have a significant positive impact on the well-being of the elderly," Prof. Ketut explained.

Next, Rahmawati Ramli, S.Kep.Ns.M.Kes., presented a topic titled "Elderly Care," emphasizing the fulfillment of the basic needs of the elderly, which can be supported by caregivers. She stressed that the role of caregivers is not limited to meeting the physical needs of the elderly but also includes special attention to their mental health. Rahmawati also reminded caregivers to maintain a balance between caring for the elderly and taking care of themselves to ensure that the care provided is optimal and sustainable.

The final presentation was given by apt. Andi Muflihunna, S.Si., M.Si., who shared his experiences as a caregiver in dealing with challenging situations, such as when an elderly parent suffers a fracture. Andi offered practical advice, such as using anti-slip carpets to prevent falls and ensuring a safe environment for the elderly. "With these measures, the elderly will feel more valued, comfortable, and motivated to live their lives with high spirits," Andi said.

The event also included a hands-on simulation of elderly patient care, guided by Rahmawati Ramli. In this simulation, participants were given the opportunity to practice the care techniques they had learned and receive direct guidance on handling situations commonly encountered when caring for the elderly. It is hoped that through this simulation, caregivers will better understand and apply the theories they have learned in real-life practice, making the care they provide to the elderly more effective and compassionate.

This community service activity not only enriched the caregivers' knowledge but also underscored the importance of their role in supporting the elderly, both physically and emotionally. With deep understanding and the right skills, it is hoped that the quality of life for the elderly in Indonesia, particularly in Makassar, can continue to improve.


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4. Instagram Sekolah Farmasi ITB Pengabdian Masyarakat di Makassar, Berjudul "Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Lanjut Usia melalui Pendampingan Caregiver Keluarga"

5. Media Indonesia: Caregiver Tingkatkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia

