Developing the Potential of Pandan Weaving Crafts in Sungai Bakau Village, Ketapang, West Kalimantan

Sungai Bakau Village in Matan Hilir Selatan District, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan Province, is renowned for its thorny pandan weaving craft, which is rich in cultural and economic value. Recognizing the significant potential of the artisans in this village, the Visual Culture Literacy Expertise Group of the Bandung Institute of Technology (KK Literasi Budaya Visual ITB), along with experts, initiated a community service program to enhance the quality and creativity of pandan weaving artisans.

The production of pandan weaving crafts in this village is still limited, despite the products' substantial potential as export commodities. Wild pandan leaves growing around the village are used to make various products such as mats, kitchen spice containers, and other simple woven items. To improve the quality and competitiveness of these products, the KK Literasi Budaya Visual ITB team, together with LPPM ITB, Rumah BUMN, and PT Pegadaian (Persero) as partners, provided training to the artisans.

Dr. Tri Sulistyaningtyas, M. Hum., Head of the Community Service Program, stated in her opening remarks on June 25, 2024, "Besides enthusiasm, the women also need creativity and skills to become artisans." This program aims to meet the requests of the artisans for materials on design variations, coloring techniques, and sewing techniques, which have been requested since the mentoring began in 2021.

On June 25, 2024, the team, consisting of Dr. Tri Sulistyaningtyas, M. Hum., Yani Suryani, M.Hum., Evi Azizah Febriyanti, M.Hum., Sira Kamila, M. Hum., and experts like Dr. Dian Widiawati, M.Sn. from the Textile Craft FSRD ITB, Dr. Husen Hendriyana, S.Sn., M.Ds. from ISBI Bandung, and Herman Subrata, a sewing expert, were warmly welcomed by Iin Rohendah from the Ketapang Regency PKK representative and Ida Haryuni from UMKM Sa’a Family Sungai Bakau.

Ida Haryuni, Head of UMKM Sa’a Family, expressed, "The enthusiasm is there, but we have not been accompanied by experts." Along with 30 members of UMKM Sa’a Family, the team, accompanied by Ketapang native Adi Supriadi, M.M., provided training in the form of workshops, which were enthusiastically received by the artisans. The first day's materials included natural coloring techniques, design variations, and sewing techniques for woven products.

Dr. Husen Hendriyana, S.Sn., presented material on pattern-making techniques and design variations, which can be achieved by combining several materials through sewing. The artisans were encouraged to be more creative in creating products that meet market preferences by using materials such as denim, cotton, or leather. This aims to increase the market value and open export opportunities for pandan weaving crafts.

The workshop continued with materials on natural coloring techniques delivered by Dr. Dian Widiawati, M.Sn. Natural dyes offer a solution for artisans who find it difficult to obtain synthetic dyes. Natural dye materials used include leaves from ketapang, mango, teak, and other natural sources such as turmeric and onion skins. The artisans eagerly practiced these coloring techniques.

On the second day, the artisans continued the activities by directly creating more varied and attractive pandan weaving products. They were also introduced to ecoprint products, where fabrics are patterned using rolled and steamed leaves. Ketapang leaves, as one of the natural dye materials, produce a beautiful light brown color when combined with other leaf motifs.

This community service program opened a space for discussion between UMKM Pandan Weaving Artisans members and the experts, aiming not only to improve the artisans' economy but also to preserve the cultural product of pandan weaving. This training is expected to unlock the potential of pandan weaving to be widely recognized at local, national, and international levels.


Related News: Kelompok Keahlian Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Membina Perajin Anyaman Pandan Desa Sungai Bakau Ketapang Perkuat Identitas Budaya, Kelompok Keahlian Literasi Budaya Visual FSRD ITB Membina Perajin Anyaman Pandan Desa Sungai Bakau Ketapang Kalbar

