Developing Tourism in Bhuana Jaya: ITB Provides Training for Local Tourism Group

Bhuana Jaya Village, located in Tenggarong Seberang District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, has a diverse range of tourism potentials. The village is known for its natural attractions such as Curug Black Stone and agro-tourism, including fruit gardens and mushroom cultivation. Additionally, Bhuana Jaya offers unique cultural tourism through various arts, one of which is showcased in the "Ngamen Milenial" event. Educational tourism is also a draw, featuring facilities like Ternakan Madu Kelulut, Rumah Jamur Randu Lima, and Pondok Jamu Herbal P4S Sari Bumi. These attractions are managed by the Village Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) of Bhuana Jaya.

To develop these tourism potentials, a team of lecturers from the Research and Community Service Institute of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) provided training to Pokdarwis members in Bhuana Jaya. The training aimed to teach the optimization of tourism promotion to enhance local tourism. The event took place on Saturday, July 27, 2024, with the theme "Mentoring and Training for Creating Tourism Promotion Packages for the Bhuana Jaya Tourism Awareness Group to Support Scaling Up Tourism in East Kalimantan." It was held in the village hall and attended by around 30 people, including representatives from the village administration, youth organizations, and local MSME actors.

Dr. Ridwan Fauzi, one of the ITB lecturers involved, expressed his admiration for the potential of Bhuana Jaya. "My impression of Bhuana Jaya is incredible. In my opinion, Bhuana Jaya has very significant tourism potential," he said. Ridwan hopes this training will encourage young people to return and contribute to the village's development. "In the future, we hope Bhuana Jaya will provide a way for its young people to return to the village," he added.

Additionally, Suwondo, a representative from the village government, described Bhuana Jaya as a "Pancasila village" due to its ethnic diversity, including Javanese, Sundanese, Dayak, and Banjar communities. In an effort to develop the village's tourism, the Tenggarong Seberang District Government plans to build supporting infrastructure around Curug Black Stone. Funding for this development comes from the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Housing and Settlement Office (Disperkim) and other sources. Suwondo hopes that these developments will attract more tourists to Bhuana Jaya and boost the local economy through MSMEs.

With high enthusiasm from the participants, the training led by Dr. A.H. Galih Kusumah was a success. The ITB lecturers hope that through this training, Pokdarwis can further develop and promote the tourism potential in Bhuana Jaya Village.


Related News: Dosen ITB Latih Pokdarwis Desa Bhuana Jaya Kukar untuk Kembangkan Promosi Paket Wisata Kembangkan Potensi Daya Tarik Wisata di Desa Bhuana Jaya, Dosen ITB Beri Pelatihan Pembuatan Paket Promosi Bantu Kembangkan Pengelolaan Potensi Wisata, Dosen ITB Adakan Pelatihan Manajemen Bagi Pokdarwis di Desa Bhuana Jaya

