Learning Earthquake Response with 'Anak Selayar Siaga Gempa' Book

The excitement of students in Selayar learning about earthquake disasters through the book "Anak Selayar Siaga Gempa!" was both thrilling and educational. When the siren sounded, dozens of children rushed out, marking the start of an earthquake simulation. Some took shelter under tables, while others used chairs and books to protect their heads. The students were then relocated to an open gathering point.

This simulation was part of an earthquake emergency response and disaster mitigation outreach held by the ITB, UI, and Hasanuddin University Community Service Team in Benteng, Selayar Islands, on Thursday, August 5, 2024. The event took place at Rumah Kopi, Benteng, and was attended by dozens of junior and senior high school students from Selayar.

The speakers included Gabriella Alodia, Ph.D., a lecturer in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at ITB with a specialization in hydrography. She was accompanied by Difa Kusumadewi MT, a doctoral candidate in Regional and Urban Planning at ITB, and Regita Cahyani, a Geophysics undergraduate student from Hasanuddin University.

The day before, a similar agenda was carried out at an elementary school and kindergarten in Benteng, Selayar, where the book "Anak Selayar Siaga Gempa!" was introduced. The book uses the December 2021 earthquake as a backdrop, presented in simple language and everyday dialects of Selayar and Makassar. Its interactive pop-up design is tailored for children.

"We aim to enhance children's understanding, especially at the elementary school level, of the earthquake potential in the Selayar Islands, what to do when an earthquake occurs, and how to prepare for future earthquakes," said Gaby, Gabriella Alodia’s familiar nickname.

Located near several earthquake zones, including the Eastern and Western Selayar Faults and the Flores Back Arc Thrust, the Selayar Islands are identified by BMKG as an area with potential for earthquakes and tsunamis at any time.


Related News:

1. selayar.quarta.id: Mengintip Keseruan Siswa-siswi di Selayar Belajar Bencana Gempabumi dari Buku “Anak Selayar Siaga Gempa!”

2. alur.id: Di Kepulauan Selayar, ITB, UI dan Unhas Dorong Anak Muda Jadi Pribadi Melek Bencana

3. pengabdian.lppm.itb.ac.id: Kolaborasi ITB, UI, dan Unhas Tingkatkan Kesadaran Bencana di Kalangan Pemuda Selayar

4.  itbpress.id: Telah Terbit: Anak Selayar Siaga Gempa!


