Koran SINAR PAGI (Kabupaten Bandung)-, Deny Willy Junaidy, S.Sn.,MT.,Ph.D, Secretary for Community Service, representative of the Institute for Research and Community Service or LPPM, Bandung Institute of Technology, gave a book prize to the Director of Metal, Machinery, Electronics and Transport Equipment IKM (IKM LMEA). ), Early Hanggandari. When opening the MKU MBKM KKN Program, Top Down Community Service and Assisted Villages of the Bandung Institute of Technology which was held in Mekarmaju Village, Pasirjambu (05/10/21).
Deny Willy Junaidy to newspaperssinarpagijuara.com, revealed that the book that was given the title of the book and its contents was about "Our Service in the Country". The book contains notes from community service activities for 5 circles throughout Indonesia, he said.
According to him, this book discusses community service, namely the first Bandung Raya, the second circle is West Java, the third circle is outside Java or outside West Java. The 4th outside Java and Sumatra and the fifth circle of the Disadvantaged Regions border 3 T. Every year there are about 250 community service activities under the educational institution and the center for research and community service institutions, LPPM ITB.
Among its community service are many activities spread across border areas. Related to starting from the creative industry plan, the application of appropriate technology or selected training and mentoring carried out. For several years there have been excellent activities, for example there is a point in Nunukan, the RI-Malaysia border area, it has been running for decades. The results have been good by establishing a school from scratch, the school on the first floor is now the best school.
In addition, LPPM also helps water management in Maninjau by taking and utilizing water through cages from the bottom up. Meanwhile, those from Java are milk management, mushroom training and also the development program for bamboo centers which are now increasingly advanced in exports and others. Then this one entered the target village that we were exposed to, an activity that lasted 5 years. Regarding the mixture for metallurgy, to be precise, so that the quality is better in mixing technology with theory and tools, then students are directly involved according to the direction of the Ministry of Education in carrying out the independent campus program.