LPPM ITB raised the empower of a group of farmer women in Rancakalong Sumedang

# simendments from & nbsp; LPPM ITB has raised the empower of a group of farmer women in Rancakalong Sumedang (notif.id)

Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) has raised mothers' empowerment in Rancakalong Subdistrict, Sumedang, West Java.

Mothers who are members of a number of female female groups (KWT) are intensively fostered to be empowered in the fulfillment of nutrition and recover economy.

One of the KWT which became assisted by LPPM through the ITB of Hayati Science and Technology School (SITH) was KWT Hanjuang Bungur in Pasir Hamlet, Rancakalong Village. In this place, mothers are fostered to utilize the yard of the house as a land of vegetable planting.

Ferdyansyah, who represents LPPM ITB saying that coaching in Rancakalong is the bottom-up program proposed by ITB lecturers.

& ldquo; Each lecturer proposes what coaching model to be applied in a certain place, then dated and funded by LPPM, & rdquo; Ferdy said when met notif.id at the Headquarters KWT Hanjuang Bungur, Sunday 20 August 2021.

LPPM himself entered the sand hamlet in 2019. After researching in the first year, only in the second year there was an applied program.

& ldquo; mothers are directed to grow vegetables inside the polybag because vegetables grow fast. That is Trigger (trigger) so that mothers are increasingly growing enthusiasm, & rdquo; Ferdy said.

Mia Rosmiati, Lecturer Sith ITB and Chair of the Devotion Program in Rancakalong said, all coaching carried out directed to increase nutritional intake for the community. The rest, it is making independent people.

the independent size in question is when the KWT is expected to live with productive activities even though it no longer gets a stimulus from the LPPM.

& ldquo; but if it's independent, it doesn't mean we release monitoring. Keep monitored continuously, & rdquo; Mia said in the same location.

at KWT Hanjuang Bungur, KWT is also directed at maintaining tilapia and elba chicken. The chicken with the egg production is very good.

& ldquo; Mothers also process sweet potatoes that are often left in the garden if the price of cheap sweet potatoes. The sweet potato waste was processed into a snacks of sweet potato and sweet potato, & rsquo; said Mia.

in Cibunar Village, Rancakalong, LPPM-Sith Itb also fostered two other KWTs. Namely KWT Mekar Mandiri which focuses on the cultivation of mushrooms and oysters, coffee processing, and a number of cassava-based meals.

in KWT Puspa Kenanga, the village of Cibunar, the mothers are more responses to packaging vegetables. Ripe red chili packed on a sterofoam container then wrapped in plastic. Beautiful like vegetable packaging in supermarkets.

Euis Maryati (43) Chairperson of KWT Puspa Kenanga said, packaging of farming results in the yard certainly increased the selling price.

& ldquo; usually 2 ounces of chili is only IDR 5,000, if it is packed well like this, it actually uses the KWT Puspa Kenanga stamp, the price is IDR7ribu, & rdquo; Euis said in Cibunar.

Puspa Kenanga also processed tomatoes to dodol. Red and sweet tomato dodol who thought was made from stale tomato?

Research by SITH and taught to KWT Puspa Kenanga made tomatoes that are usually wasted into high-selling goods. Euis said in the manufacturing process, tomatoes were steamed first until cooked.

after cooking, 7 kilograms of tomatoes were drained for 12 hours so that the water content was reduced. Then the tomatoes are stirred with a mixture of 3 kilograms of white sugar and a package on the face.

After thickening and cold, dodol is ready to wrapped. Of the 7 kilograms of tomato bodies, 150 pinch pubits of tomato dodol wrapped in paper thin. (Mr / Mrb)

