Visit of Kasdam Siliwangi: Initiating Collaboration for Food Security

DRPM ITB, [Tuesday, October 29, 2024] – Brigadier General Aminudin, Deputy Commander of the Siliwangi Regional Military Command (Kasdam Siliwangi), visited the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) ITB to initiate collaboration in agriculture development and the utilization of military land.

During the meeting, Kasdam Siliwangi, accompanied by his staff, met with the DRPM ITB team, including Mohammad Farid, Ph.D. (Assistant Director of DRPM), Noviyanti, S.M. (Head of Program, Monitoring, and Evaluation), and Ferdyansyah Poernama, A.Md. (Head of Program Monitoring and Community Service Cooperation). The meeting was also attended by researchers/implementers from SITH ITB, namely Prof. Fenny Martha Dwivany, Dr. Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, Dr. Ir. Dadang Sumardi, M.P., and Khalilan Lambangsari, S.T., M.Si.

Mohammad Farid, Ph.D., explained the business processes of DRPM ITB, which encompass Research and Community Service.

Kasdam Siliwangi mentioned that the Indonesian Army has a food security program involving the cultivation of rice, cassava, and corn, with extensive land available for potential collaboration.

Prof. Fenny Martha Dwivany introduced the concept of the "Banana Smart Village," which won the Proklim Award in 2020 from the Minister of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia, involving multiple faculties at ITB. Dr. Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti highlighted the health benefits of bananas, while Dr. Ir. Dadang Sumardi, M.P., discussed the potential of bananas as a sustainable food alternative.

This visit is expected to be the initial step toward a productive collaboration supporting food security and community welfare.

