Mukekuku Village is located at the eastern end of Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Perhaps, this village is highly suitable to be developed as a tourist destination due to its natural beauty and rich agricultural produce. However, unexpectedly, Mukekuku Village, known for producing various products from the sap of the lontar palm tree, faces serious challenges in telecommunications, particularly inadequate internet access.
The presence of the internet should ideally enable the villagers to maximize the sale of their agricultural produce. With internet access, the sale of agricultural products can be done online, simultaneously showcasing the beauty of the village.
The village encounters issues regarding internet access. Although the 3T area BTS program with satellite uplinks has reached Mukekuku Village, challenges arose due to land shifts causing instability in the BTS tower and satellite dish alignment, resulting in unreliable internet access. Despite access from cellular provider towers in neighboring villages accessible in hill and beach areas, it is not efficient for Mukekuku residents to constantly travel to these areas for internet access.
In light of these facts, Desri H Suki, the Village Head of Mukekuku, decided to contact the ITB team through the Desanesha application. This collaboration is part of a community service program initiated by ITB and the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT).
Without delay, as a follow-up, Hendrawan, a lecturer at the School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering (STEI) ITB, along with two of his students, Galih Nugraha Nurkahfi and Akromu Dzikri, conducted initial surveys in mid-August 2023. This survey aimed to deeply understand the challenges faced, existing conditions, needs, and possible solutions.
"During the LPPM ITB team's visit to Mukekuku Village, Mr. Hendrawan also provided guidance on the importance of the internet and its utilization to enhance the villagers' productivity," said a media release. Productive internet utilization includes learning new things from online learning content, utilizing the internet for business through e-commerce or marketplaces, and introducing the village's potential through social media.
After careful analysis, the ITB team decided to install satellite internet access as the best solution. Not only that, but they also expanded the access range using outdoor wifi to over 100 meters so that more residents could enjoy stable internet services.
The second visit by the ITB team in mid-October 2023 was preceded by a visit from the satellite internet provider team, PT Pacific Satellite Nusantara (PSN), to install satellite dishes and modems. Subsequently, the ITB team extended the internet access network around the village office to allow village residents to access the internet.
After the installation of satellite internet access and network extension was completed, the team also donated laptops and books for productive internet usage learning. Daud Suki, the Village Secretary, also received a brief explanation about managing internet access facilities.
During these activities, Filadelfia Fiah (Mr. Fila), the village assistant from the Ministry of Village PDTT for the Rote Ndao region, accompanied the ITB team. His in-depth understanding of the Rote Ndao Regency greatly aided in the community service activities.
Although the main activities have concluded, the ITB team remains in communication with Mukekuku Village officials to provide assistance if any issues regarding internet access arise. There is a commitment to ensuring that the provided solutions run smoothly and sustainably for the residents of Mukekuku Village.
Furthermore, the ITB LPPM team also assists in building the Mukekuku Village website, which is currently in the content filling stage. It is hoped that the Mukekuku Village website will provide information about the village's economic and tourism potential to the outside world, which has been relatively unknown. The website will eventually contain demographic and geographical data, a photo gallery of tourist attractions, and agricultural produce from Mukekuku Village.