ITB Enhances Local Skills to Support Likupang’s Tourism Growth

Sarawet Village, located in Likupang Timur District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, became the focus of a community service program organized by the Bandung Institute of Technology’s (ITB) School of Pharmacy. This program aims to support the development of the Likupang Special Economic Zone (KEK), an area with vast tourism potential, renowned for its beautiful coastlines and mangrove conservation sites. ITB’s initiative focuses on enhancing the skills of the local community, particularly in English, to better interact with foreign tourists.

The program was conducted over two days, Thursday (August 29, 2024) and Friday (August 30, 2024). On the first day, an English language training session was held for local tour guides, led by ITB communication and language expert Roslina Sawitri, M.Pd, alongside School of Pharmacy lecturers apt. Cindra Tri Yuniar, S.Farm., M.Si, Dr. Maria Apriliani Gani, S.Farm., M.Farm, and Dr. apt. Siti Farah Rahmawati, S.Farm., M.Si. The training, attended by 50 participants, including local business owners and tour guides, featured interactive English conversation exercises designed to boost participants’ confidence when guiding international tourists.

Roslina Sawitri noted that the interactive training methods helped participants practice English sentences, encouraging them to be more confident. “The community responded enthusiastically, and we hope for continued training to further improve their skills,” she explained on Thursday (September 5, 2024). The village head of Sarawet, Herry Tongkukut, also expressed his appreciation for the program, stating that the training was practical and helped improve the capabilities of local tour guides.

On the second day, the ITB team, in collaboration with the National Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) in Manado, held a session for local small businesses. The session, titled "Socialization of Processed Food Products and Procedures for Registering Distribution Permits," aimed to improve the quality of local food products as souvenirs for tourists. Dra. Sarinah, Apt., from BPOM Manado, explained the importance of product permits to expand market reach and enhance product quality. This initiative is expected to encourage local small businesses to produce high-quality, economically valuable products.

apt. Cindra Tri Yuniar, head of the community service program, emphasized that this program supports the government’s efforts to develop Likupang as a national economic growth center through tourism. “We are delighted to see the enthusiasm of the community and local government. We hope this program can continue in the coming years to support the Likupang KEK and improve local welfare,” Cindra Tri Yuniar stated.


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