ITB with the Biak Regional Government, Officially Launches the Website

The community service team from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in collaboration with the Biak Numfor Regency Tourism Office launched the website This activity was carried out on Monday, November 29, 2021, after the commemoration ceremony for the 50th anniversary of Korpri at the TNI AU Marlon Kawer Biak field.

The launch of this website aims to introduce the breeding area to the world's eyes by displaying various tourism potentials, both natural, cultural and other unique things that exist in Biak Numfor. 

The head of the ITB community service team, Dr. Ira Adriati, Lecturer at the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) at the Bandung Institute of Technology hopes that this website can promote tourism on the part of and can make Biak Numfor more visible and known in the eyes of the world.

"ITB has a community service program. Every lecturer has the opportunity to choose an area for the community service activity. I have so far carried out several community service activities, one of which is in Tanjung Bira", said Ira in an interview with RRI.

According to him, the Papua region has a very potential and important area to be developed. Therefore, this community service activity chose the Biak Nimfor area.

"At that time, I immediately met Mr. Kadis, Mr. Oni, for this program. What kind of tourism is most needed. It turns out that what is most needed is a website. So the wish of Mr. Kadis is also for the Tourism Office to have a special website that is easily accessible", said Ira.

"Although there is a policy from the central government for one website channel. But we also think it's something important because usually people who are going to travel will see directly looking for a website for their tour. That way, we hope it can be more practical". Ira continued in her interview with RRI.

Meanwhile, the Head of Tourism for Biak Numfor Regency, Turbey Onisimus Dangeubun, said that his party will continue to coordinate with ITB to ensure that all destinations and other excellent potentials in the Numfor breeding area can be explored and known by the public so that they can assist in the development and economic development in Biak Regency.

"Today's launch of the website is a manifestation of the totality of higher education through the Community Service and Development Institute. Then when building tourism, we use the pentahelix concept, academics, business, community, government, and media. And this is one of the pillars pushed by ITB ".

In addition, Turbey representing the ranks of the Biak Numfor Regency government, thanked the Bandung Institute of Technology for the real support to the Numfor Regency.

"On behalf of the Biak Numfor Regency Government, the Regent, Regional Secretary and all staff would like to express their highest appreciation and gratitude to the entire Bandung Institute of Technology academic community for paying attention to the development of the regencies which began with the collaboration we witnessed today," he said. .

Then, his party will carry out further communication and cooperation related to tourism promotion in Biak Numfor Regency with LPPM ITB.

Editor: Ali Hasan Asyari

