ITB and Sukahayu Residents Collaborate to Create Bore Wells and Agricultural Training

Residents of Sukahayu Village, Rancakalong District, can now breathe a sigh of relief after years of struggling to obtain clean water. They have received clean water with a large flow rate from the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) ITB. This program was given to the Kemuning Women's Farming Group (KWT), bringing joy to the residents of RW 02.

Eneng Eti, the head of KWT Kemuning, revealed that this assistance resulted from coordination with LPPM ITB. Coincidentally, ITB lecturers and students were conducting community service in Rancakalong District, focusing on hydroponic development and agricultural product marketing training. One of the prominent issues was water availability, which was addressed through ITB's community service activities titled "Water Resource Management in Sukahayu Village, Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency," involving Dr. Arno Adi Kuntoro from FTSL ITB, Dr. Ir. Mia Rosmiati MP from SITH ITB, and Dr. Widodo from FITB ITB. Students were also involved as part of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program.

"Initially, I discussed with Mrs. Mia Rosmiati from ITB, explaining the difficulty of obtaining clean water in our hilly area. Eventually, ITB addressed our complaints by creating bore wells. ITB covered all construction costs and electrical installation," said Eti.

Although still under construction, one bore well in Dusun Babakan Kiara RT 02 RW 05 has been successfully drilled and is producing water. Another bore well in Dusun Munjul, RT 03 RW 05, is still being drilled. Initially, the bore well was located in Dusun Babakan Kiara, but its water flow was deemed insufficient for RW 05 residents, so the drilling site was moved to Dusun Munjul in the same RW.

Previously, residents relied on water from Nagarawangi Village, which was of questionable quality due to its proximity to rice fields and contamination by fertilizers and pesticides. After decades of relying on small water hoses, residents now have access to clean water thanks to the bore wells from LPPM ITB. Eti added, "Thank God, on behalf of the entire Sukahayu Village community, I extend our deepest gratitude to LPPM ITB. We are very grateful and hope this brings blessings and health to the residents. May LPPM ITB continue to progress and develop."

Besides clean water, Sukahayu Village residents also received hydroponic farming training and facilities from ITB. Rancakalong District Head, Cecep Supriatna, expressed his gratitude for the various LPPM ITB programs that have been running for several years.

"Thank God, the LPPM ITB programs are greatly felt by the Rancakalong District community. There are many forms of assistance, including training, coaching for farming and livestock groups, and support for small businesses. This helps improve residents' skills and competitiveness," explained Cecep.

Cecep hopes these programs can continue and have a real impact on the community. Clean water assistance not only meets household needs but also supports residents' economic activities. "On behalf of the Rancakalong District government, we thank LPPM ITB for this assistance. Hopefully, the clean water needs can support the residents' economic activities, and we will ensure the program continues and benefits the community," he concluded.

Related News:

INISUMEDANG.COM: Warga Desa Sukahayu Sumedang Sumringah, Dapat Bantuan Air Bersih dari LPPM ITB
FAJARNUSANTARA.COM: Kolaborasi ITB dan KWT Kemuning Atasi Krisis Air di Sukahayu

