ITB and Kemendesa Collaborate for Transmigration Area Development

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) received a visit from the Director General of Development and Transmigration Area Development (PPKT) at the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), ITB, Jalan Ganesa No. 10, Coblong, Bandung City, West Java Province. The meeting was held from 03.00 to 15.00 WIB.

The main agenda of the meeting was to discuss coordination regarding cooperation between the Directorate General of PPKT and LPPM ITB. The discussion resulted in plans to design a joint program that will be implemented by the end of the year in 2 to 4 transmigration areas, each consisting of 10 to 20 villages.

This program will be the flagship or main program of the Directorate General of PPKT and ITB, with funding shared between the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT) and ITB. The formalization of this collaboration will be marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKB) scheduled for September.

The selected transmigration areas will receive various facilities from ITB's expertise, including housing planning, public facilities, and basic services such as clean water, internet, and others. ITB lecturers and students will directly engage in these areas to implement the program.

Director General of PPKT, Danton Ginting Munthe, along with La Ode Muhajirin, Director of Transmigration Area Development, and Drs. Nirwan Ahmad Helmi, Director of Transmigration Area Development, tested the Modultrax at Design Centre FSRD ITB, Gd. CADL, ITB. This tool is being promoted for use in the targeted transmigration areas for next year. They were accompanied by Deny Willy Junaidy, Secretary of the Community Service Department at ITB.

With this collaboration, it is hoped that the transmigration areas will develop better and provide tangible benefits to the local communities.

