Desanesha App. Brings Solutions to Srinanti's Water Crisis

Nunukan, North Kalimantan – Rusmini Hakim, the Head of Srinanti Village in Seimanggaris Subdistrict, invited professors from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to resolve the clean water crisis affecting her village.

Since her inauguration in July 2023, Rusmini faced the village's primary issue: the distribution of clean water. The problem was not the water source or the infrastructure but the distribution system, which had completely stopped since 2023.

"We have a raw water source, storage facilities, and a pump supported by PT DTR's CSR. However, after the company closed, the water distribution managed by BUMDES ceased, causing serious issues for the community," Rusmini stated on Thursday (June 27, 2024).

Rusmini took over BUMDES management to address and map out the water distribution problems. She maintained constant communication with the village's water management technicians, accommodating their needs and repair complaints to ensure clean water reached approximately 400 households or 1200 residents in Srinanti Village.

"Even after increasing the electrical capacity and paying Rp 13 million, the technician still requested diesel money. I suspected there were other factors hindering the distribution," she explained.

Rusmini sought solutions by consulting and communicating with several competent parties. Eventually, she received advice from Professor Syahrir from ITB to download the Desa Nesha application, an ITB initiative for village consultation.

"I filled out the form in the application, including my village head appointment letter, and reported the village's issues with complete data and photos," Rusmini said.

After some time without a response, Rusmini's complaint was finally addressed by a team of ITB professors led by Dr. rer.nat. Widodo, S.T., M.T. They visited Seimanggaris to provide solutions.

According to Dr. Widodo's analysis, Srinanti Village needs an efficient water pump that does not consume much electricity. "We recommend a water pump like grundfos, which works automatically and doesn't require high voltage electricity," he explained.

Rusmini felt grateful for the provided solution and hopes other villages can also use the Desa Nesha application to solve their problems.

"Srinanti Village is the first village in North Kalimantan to use our services. We hope to continue providing solutions for remote 3T villages," Dr. Widodo said.


Related News: Cerita Kades Rusmini Hakim, Datangkan Profesor ITB Untuk Selesaikan Krisis Air Bersih Di Desa Srinanti

