Digitalization to Raise Environmental Awareness in Generation Alpha Amidst the Development of IKN

Amidst the rapid development of the new Indonesian capital city (IKN) in East Kalimantan, concerns over marine ecosystem threats are growing. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), together with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and Mulawarman University (Unmul), has initiated an innovative program aimed at introducing the younger generation, especially Generation Alpha, to the marine ecosystem through a digital approach. This program aims to highlight the challenges faced by the sea around Balikpapan Bay, a vital ecological area threatened by rapid development in the region.

On a morning at SD 004 Sepaku in Penajam Paser Utara Regency (PPU), dozens of students embarked on a virtual underwater journey through a projector screen. This technology allowed them to explore marine life, from coral reefs to pollution threats. Generation Alpha, born between 2010 and 2025, has grown up with advanced technology and is adept at using digital devices. Therefore, ITB harnessed digitalization as a medium to enhance environmental literacy through the program "Digital Literacy of the Sea for Generation Alpha in the IKN Nusantara Area."

Dr. rer. nat. Mutiara Rachnat Putri, Vice Dean of Resources at ITB's Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, mentioned that Balikpapan Bay is the "heart" of the coastal ecosystem in East Kalimantan, and the ongoing development in the IKN area will have a direct impact on the marine ecosystem. The construction of a dam in Sepaku, for instance, affects the flow of freshwater into the sea, which in turn allows saltwater to penetrate further inland, threatening marine life in brackish waters.

This program not only aims to enhance students' understanding of marine ecosystems but also involves teachers. They are provided with teaching materials on marine ecosystems and trained to use digital technology in the learning process. It is hoped that after the program concludes, teachers in Sepaku can independently continue the marine literacy program.

The collaboration between ITB, BRIN, and Unmul is also part of the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" (MBKM) program, where students from both universities are directly involved. They gain valuable field experience while learning about the ecological challenges around Balikpapan Bay.

Through this program, ITB hopes that Generation Alpha will not only become more technologically literate but also more environmentally conscious. Mutiara emphasized the importance of using technology, even simple ones, to mitigate the environmental impacts of development. One example of simple technology that can be applied is the management of organic waste using larvae, which can decompose waste and help maintain environmental balance.

With an interactive and engaging approach, this program aims to instill in Generation Alpha the understanding that the sea is not only a beautiful landscape but also a source of life that must be protected and preserved, especially amidst the massive development of the IKN area.


Berita Terkait:

1. Ajak Generasi Alfa Kenali Kehidupan Bawah Laut dengan Digitalisasi, Ini Upaya Menjaga Ekosistem Teluk Balikpapan Pasca Pembangunan IKN di Kaltim

2. ITB Hadir di IKN Nusantara Memperkenalkan Literasi Laut Secara Digital ke Generasi Alfa

