The book "Bakti ITB in Remote Country" was distributed to the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR

Monday, March 22, 2021, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian MPR, Fadel Muhammad visited the ITB Rector Building Jalan Tamansari No.64, Bandung. The visit was carried out by MPR in order to request input from ITB to one part of the main points of the state that is being prepared by the MPR. < / P>

During the visit, Fadel said one of the topics in the main points of the state was related to the development of biosains in Indonesia. The MPR in this case wants to make the subject matter of the state to apply for 25 years. For this reason, MPR requested opinions from members of the DPR, DPD, community leaders, and universities. Fadel explained, input from ITB will be the main ingredient associated with the main points of the state in the field of industrial development and the future technology. < / P>

ITB welcomed the plan. Chancellor ITB Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., said, currently at itb has research centers and science and technology centers (PUI). One of them is Nanoscience research center and nanotechnology . Thus the expectations of the MPR from ITB in the form of research results, papers, academic senate reports, and seminars on the main points of the state which will later Become a government product in its realization.

In addition, the ITB Chancellor handed the book & quot; ITB Bakti in Remote Country & Quot; which is expected to be part of the main needs of the state of the state.

