Collaborative Knowledge Sharing between SITH-ITB and STPK Banau

A team from the School of Life Sciences and Technology (SITH) at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), under the assignment of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), collaborated with the School of Entrepreneurial Agriculture (STPK) Banau on Monday (22/7/2024) to enhance productivity, livelihoods, and the local economy through biotechnological approaches at the Goal Campus, East Sahu District.

This event will last for three days, starting with a transfer of knowledge from the ITB team to STPK Banau lecturers and students on the first day, Monday (22/7/2024). The second day will focus on activities in Goal Village with the local community. On the final day, an evaluation and formulation of a sustainable collaboration design will take place.

The head of the ITB team, Dr. Ramadhani Eka Putra, explained to reporters that the team would work with STPK Banau today to prepare for community service activities through knowledge transfer to lecturers and students. "Today, at the STPK Banau campus in Goal Village, we are preparing for tomorrow's activities in the village. We also need information from STPK and share our technology with them," explained Rama, an alumnus of a Japanese university.

Meanwhile, the head of STPK Banau, Dr. Ir. Abdurahman Hoda, M.Si, expressed high appreciation and gratitude to the SITH team for visiting STPK and building a partnership based on the principle of equality. Hoda stated that STPK is currently optimizing the Goal Campus land, making the transfer of knowledge in three areas: organic farming, pest control, and agricultural waste management, crucial for follow-up.

The event was also attended by the STPK Banau Foundation's Trustee, Ir. Namto Hui Roba, SH, the Secretary of the STPK Banau Foundation, STPK Banau leaders, lecturers, and students. The SITH team included Dr. Ramadhani Eka Putra as the group leader, Dr. Angga Dwiartama as a team member and Vice Dean of Resources at SITH ITB, Dr. Muhammad Ihsan from the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) ITB, Dr. Ida Kinasih from the Islamic State University (UIN) Bandung, and Agricultural Engineering students from SITH ITB.


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