Awaken a New Economy Through the Green Terrace Project

BANDUNG, Bandung Institute of Technology School of Business and Management (SBM) Community Service Team made a movement to grow a new economy in society through the Sahitya Tisane product by forming the Green Teras Project Movement. This initiation was carried out as a form of reciprocity for the pandemic that caused economic growth to experience a crisis.

This activity tries to invite the community to try new opportunities to generate local-based agrarian businesses.

The Green Teras Project movement was initiated in 2019 and seeks to provide training and assistance to urban communities in Bandung. Through this movement, the SBM ITB Community Service Team seeks to initiate community empowerment with new business opportunities, especially women who live in densely populated areas.

The initial idea of ​​this activity is to increase community food security. In addition, the initial campaign and socialization of the Teras Hijau Project was to invite housewives in the Sukaraja Village area to try to grow their own food needs as well as to process household waste independently, while looking for new opportunities to overcome economic problems in the community.

One of the results of this activity is the manufacture of tisane and already has the "Sahitya" brand. A type of drink made from flowers and herbs that are the result of gardening with the community. This product is grown by housewives by planting in their yards. Through market research involving SBM ITB students, then a formulation was developed in accordance with the wishes of the market.

Sahitya tisane, is one of the products developed by the Green Teras Movement Project. Several other products will be strived to become community-based products, to generate new community economies.

“The products that we develop are born from our observation of the processes that we introduce to the community that we adopt scientifically to explore market opportunities with students, so this is the collective work of the community and young people who are studying at SBM. ITB”, said Melia Famiola Hariadi, Ph.D., the initiator of the Green Teras Project Movement, quoted from

These pioneering products have now begun to spread in several organic shops and are also developing a digital marketing network.

Editor: Ali Hasan Asyari

