Team Leader: I Made Wahyu Widyarsana Field Coordinator: Enrico Nicolas MBKM Students: Faqih Mustafiq and Sarah Atthiyah Zaqi
In the late afternoon to evening on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, the team held a meeting with Mr. Sujud, the head of RT 06, to discuss and plan the socialization of household waste sorting. After discussing for quite some time, alhamdulillah, Mr. Sujud's response to this matter was very positive, and it will be implemented on Monday, October 2, 2023.
In the morning of Thursday, September 28, 2023, the team gathered and visited the residence of Mr. Yatiman, the local Village Head. Together with Mr. Yatiman, the team planned the initial steps in waste management, namely implementing the culture of waste sorting at RT. 06 and RT. 08, and continuing to other RTs. This greatly supports further processing, including composting and potential commercialization.
On Monday, October 9, 2023, the team conducted a survey of waste sorting that had been carried out in RT. 06 of Bukit Raya Village. From the houses visited, 100% of the residents of RT. 06 were already sorting their waste, and 70% of them were doing it correctly. The next plan is to establish a waste bank for inorganic waste. In the evening, the team attended a meeting with all village officials, the Village Consultative Body (LPM), and the Village Consultative Assembly (BPD) regarding the progress of this new waste management facility.
On Thursday, October 13, 2023, the team, together with residents of RT. 08, conducted socialization about waste sorting. We talked about the importance of waste sorting at home and distributed sacks to assist in the sorting process. Additionally, the team provided information about the plan to establish a waste bank in Bukit Raya Village.
Then, on Sunday, October 15, 2023, the team traveled to Balikpapan to purchase a machine for shredding organic waste. This machine plays a crucial role in optimizing the composting process. With the help of this shredder, organic waste such as leaves, vegetable scraps, and large tree branches can be turned into small particles, facilitating management and composting processes. This machine is expected to accelerate the decomposition of organic waste, supporting environmental preservation and sustainability efforts. In the evening, the team conducted measurements of the waste management facility building as an initial step in planning and organizing an efficient facility by arranging an optimal layout, ensuring efficient land use, and complying with applicable regulations.
On October 16, 2023, materials for the construction of the waste management facility were purchased. The quantity of materials purchased was based on the calculation of the layout and design previously made. The materials purchased included cement, lightweight concrete blocks (hebel), sand, carpentry tools, etc. On that day, a survey was also conducted to find local workers to assist in the construction process.
Then, on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, waste that had been sorted from the households of RT. 08 residents was collected. The waste collected was then sorted based on the socialization provided by the team to the residents earlier. Subsequently, the waste collected by the residents was weighed, and they were provided with waste savings books. Furthermore, residents would receive compensation based on the amount of waste they collected. This is the realization of the socialization and the principle of the Waste Bank.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, the construction of the waste management facility commenced. On the first day of construction, 2 local workers assisted in the installation of lightweight concrete blocks to partition the waste management facility.